Understanding the basics of bipolar disorder

Understanding the basics of bipolar disorder

Lainey Aguilar

It is normal to experience highs and lows when it comes to our moods and emotions. However, for some people, these mood changes are more severe and long-term. Known as bipolar disorder, this condition interferes with the affected individual’s everyday life. It can lead to isolation, anxiety, and more. If you think you have been experiencing these emotions or know someone who has, here’s everything you need to know about bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar disorder?

Previously called manic-depressive illness or manic depression, bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood changes. In this condition, a person alternates between feelings of a high or euphoria and those of low or depression. These feelings may exist for days or weeks and often occur without external stimuli. There are three recognized types of this condition depending on the duration and intensity of changes in a person’s mood:

Type 1 bipolar disorder
Extreme manic and depressive episodes that last for at least a week.
Type 2 bipolar disorder
In this, one has less severe manic episodes that last for a shorter duration.
Cyclothymic disorder
This form of bipolar disorder does not have severe symptoms and can be managed more easily.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder
To avoid letting bipolar disorder interfere with your life and overall health, here are some signs to watch out for:

Mania or elevated mood symptoms
Feeling very excited or elated without particular cause
Loss of appetite
Decreased need for sleep
Racing thoughts accompanied by fast talking
Indulging in risky behaviors such as excessive drinking, giving away money, etc.

Depressive symptoms
Extreme sadness, gloom, worthlessness, or hopelessness
Feelings of being slowed down
Increased appetite
Trouble concentrating
Reduced interest in daily activities

Causes of bipolar disorder

While experts are yet to assess the underlying causes of bipolar disorder, some potential reasons that put a person at risk include:

A family history of bipolar disorder
Irregularities in the function or structure of the brain
Environmental stimuli including traumatic experiences, prolonged illness, and chronic stress

Bipolar disorder treatment

Bipolar disorder is usually managed through a combination of treatment options including:

Options to reduce the symptoms such as mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety treatments, and antidepressants

Psychotherapy to understand triggers and form responses accordingly, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psycho-education, and family-focused therapy

Going beyond conventional treatments, natural remedies could help in easing the symptoms of bipolar disorder. These include making some lifestyle changes such as:

Having a regular sleeping and eating routine
Creating a support system of family and friends
Reducing screen time
Taking frequent work breaks and indulging in creative pursuits

How does food affect the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

What you eat has a major impact on how you feel, especially with bipolar disorder. Here are the foods that you should avoid:

Stimulants such as caffeine
Foods containing tyramine such as soy, dried fruits, aged cheese, and fermented foods.
High-fat and sugary foods

There are several food options that could help you manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder better. These include:

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as sardines, salmon, tuna, trout, etc.
Whole grains
Selenium-rich foods such as Brazil nuts, shrimp, steak, turkey, etc.
Magnesium-rich foods like chickpeas, lentils, and lima beans.

Recognizing the symptoms of bipolar disorder is essential for timely treatment. Proper therapy and associated steps, such as lifestyle and food changes, can help one continue to be an active part of society and lead a normal life.

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