Things to know about stage 1 tongue cancer

Things to know about stage 1 tongue cancer

Mary Guerrero

Most people associate cancer with lung, skin, breast, or colon, where the tongue tends to be an anamnesis. Tongue cancer falls under the category of oral cancer and usually affects people in their 40s, threatening their basic functions like speaking or eating. Since early diagnosis and timely treatment can cure stage 1 tongue cancer, it’s best to know the common signs and ways to prevent it in the first place.

Stage 1 tongue cancer – An overview
Stages of tongue cancer indicate how advanced or widespread the disease is. Stage 1 is the early stage of tongue cancer, where the cancer-causing cells have not reached lymph nodes. The stage is usually detected by the TNM system (T- tumor size, N-Lymph node involvement, M-Distant Metastases). Stage 1 tongue cancer is determined when the tumor size is around an inch or 2 cm, which has not been spread yet.

Early signs of stage 1 tongue cancer
The early signs of stage 1 tongue cancer may not be noticed and tend to differ from person to person. Here’s a list of common signs.

  • A painful lump or sores in mouth
    The formation of a painful lump or sore is the first sign of stage 1 tongue cancer that doesn’t heal or fade after a few days. It may also bleed easily with burning pain or sting.
  • Difficulty in swallowing or speaking
    Tongue cancer is also associated with difficulty swallowing, chewing, speaking, or moving the tongue. You will feel like the food often gets stuck in your throat.
  • A white or red patch on the tongue
    Patches, either red (erythroplakia) or white (leukoplakia), are another common sign of tongue cancer. If these patches are persistent for several weeks, a specialist should diagnose such patches.
  • Recurrent bleeding
    When the cancer cells grow in the tongue, it will cause you to bleed easily during brushing or eating certain foods.
  • Persistent jaw pain
    If cancer develops further, it will make it difficult to open or close the mouth with persistent jaw pain.

Causes of stage 1 tongue cancer
The exact causes of stage 1 tongue cancer are still undefined. Let’s discuss some potential factors that might induce the condition’s onset.

  • HPV
    HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a sexually transmittable virus that can cause stage 1 cancer on the base of the tongue.
  • Genetics
    Inheriting the defective genes from parents will also make the individual highly susceptible to stage 1 tongue cancer.
  • Poor oral hygiene
    When any dental issues are left untreated for a long time, they can increase the risk of developing tongue cancer.

Ways to detect the symptoms of stage 1 tongue cancer
Early detection of stage 1 tongue cancer symptoms might result in successful and better clinical outcomes. Hence, a healthcare professional will establish a series of diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of the conditions. Let’s contemplate some of the effective options.

  • Physical examination
    The physician will discuss your previous health history and conduct a complete physical examination to look for stage 2 tongue cancer signs.
  • Biopsy
    During a biopsy, the physician will extract the cells or tissues to confirm the presence of cancer.
  • Endoscopy
    Endoscopy is performed to view the body’s internal structure and detect the location of tumor cells.

Treatment of stage 1 tongue cancer
In the early stage, the cancer cells will be small and contained in the tongue. Hence healthcare professionals tend to remove the affected area as the effective treatment of stage 1 tongue cancer. Depending on the individual’s condition, radiotherapy is carried out to reduce the chance of cancer recurrence.

Even though stage 1 tongue cancer can be treated, certain actions will lead to the recurrence of the condition. Therefore, make sure to implement the following healthy lifestyle tips.

  • Get vaccinated for HPV, according to your age.
  • Practice good oral hygiene for healthy teeth and gums.
  • Go for regular dental checkups once every six months.

The overall health of your body is ultimately up to you as a responsible individual. The subtle symptoms of tongue cancer are often overlooked. Hence, it is important to be aware of stage 1 tongue cancer signs and seek expert help as soon as possible to lead an active and healthy life.

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