Seizures – Symptoms, remedies, causes, and more

Seizures – Symptoms, remedies, causes, and more

Lainey Aguilar

Seizures occur when the natural or normal functioning of the neurons is interrupted. This is caused due to numerous reasons and is particularly common in younger children. It might sometimes be triggered because of an injury or a disease. However, every case cannot be detected with a definitive cause. While some types are easy to recognize, others might require deeper digging. Let us know what seizures are and their remedies, symptoms, treatment options, and more.

Natural remedies
Adding herbs and supplements to the patient’s meal plan can help significantly improve their quality of life. This includes the use of multivitamins and magnesium tablets. It helps manage seizures as the body overcomes certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Alternative practices like acupuncture and relaxation techniques also provide effective results.

Foods to eat
Food plays a crucial role in a person’s health and for the progression of their condition.

Water is one of the key factors that help in the management of seizures. Proper hydration ensures that the brain and body are being provided with all the essential components that help in the transfer of nutrients and messages.

Better seizure management involves the inclusion of good-quality lean protein in daily meals. Chicken and fish are rich protein sources, a macronutrient that helps repair the body’s wear and tear.

Whole grains
Whole grains supply the body with the required amount of carbohydrates without disrupting blood sugar levels. Stable insulin levels play a major role in seizure management.

Foods to avoid
Research has shown that high blood sugar levels can act as a trigger for epileptic and other seizures. This involves refined carbohydrates like sugar, white bread, pasta, and other bakery products. One must also avoid fruits with a high glycemic index, such as mangoes, bananas, and other fruits.

There could be multiple causes of obstruction to the communication pathway of the brain. Some of the common causative factors of seizures include Epilepsy, flashing lights, high body temperature, lack of proper sleep, head trauma, Hyponatremia, brain tumor, and stroke.

Symptoms of seizures depend on the condition’s type and severity. Signs like temporary loss of consciousness and shaking make identifying the type of seizure easier. There might be seizures where patients might not experience any outward physical symptoms. Common signs and symptoms of seizures are convulsions or tremors in arms and legs, loss of consciousness, stiffening of the body, staring, vomiting, temporary confusion, and loss of awareness.

The primary aim of seizure treatments is to find the best possible solution to stop the onset of seizures. Patients that have experienced more than one seizure are advised treatment.
Oral treatment options are employed to help patients with the condition. Doctors are mindful of selection options that would produce minimum side effects. Surgical treatment options are advised for patients who experience seizures that start in the same part of the brain. There are multiple surgical options like Lobectomy, Multiple subpial transection, corpus callosotomy, and hemispherectomy. Electrical stimulation is employed by installing a small device under the skin of the patient’s chest or on the brain surface. These currents send signals to the brain and inhibit activity that results in the origination of seizures.

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