Prostate cancer – Causes, signs, and treatment methods

Prostate cancer – Causes, signs, and treatment methods

Collins Buck

The most common type of cancer that affects men is prostate cancer. This cancer starts in the prostate gland, which is located near the bladder. The prostate performs multiple functions, like producing the liquid that transports and nourishes the sperm. Additionally, it helps in secreting prostate-specific antigen, a type of protein that allows the semen to remain in its liquid form.

Furthermore, the prostate has a role to play in the urinary process. There are several types of prostate cancer, with many that grow slowly and remain restricted to the prostate gland. These cancers require very little or even no treatment. However, there is also an aggressive form of the disease that tends to spread at a rapid rate. Read to know more.

Causes of prostate cancer

  • Age and family history – The incidence of prostate cancer occurs mostly in men who are above the age of 65 years. Additionally, the disease is known to affect people who have a family history of the condition.
  • Eating habits and lifestyle – Poor eating habits, including consuming too much red meat, can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. Also, when meat is cooked at high temperatures, it can result in the formation of cancer-causing compounds that negatively affect the prostate. Meat also has a high amount of fat that can increase the amount of testosterone in the body, which in turn speeds up the growth of malignant cells. Furthermore, poor eating habits and lack of exercise are known to elevate the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Certain jobs – Incidence of prostate cancer is very high among people who work in rubber and battery manufacturing factories. Even people involved in welding are at a high risk of prostate cancer. These individuals are at risk of being exposed to metals such as cadmium, which increases their chances of developing prostate cancer.
  • Smoking – The risk of developing prostate cancer also tends to be higher among people who smoke regularly. Excessive smoking may also increase the risk of dying due to this health condition.

Signs of prostate cancer

This disease does not display any relevant symptoms in the early stages. But as the growth of malignant cells increases, it can exhibit the following symptoms.

  • Poor flow of urine or flow that tends to start and stop.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, especially during nighttime.
  • Sudden need to urinate.
  • Presence of blood in the urine or semen.
  • Continuous pain in the pelvis, back, and hip.
  • Fatigue, breathlessness, elevated heartbeat, and dizziness.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Unexplained loss of weight.
  • Painful ejaculation or trouble maintaining an erection.

When this cancer reaches an advanced stage, it can make you more prone to bone fractures, alter bowel habits, cause back pain and swelling in the legs and feet.

Treatment for prostate cancer
The treatment plan for this cancer depends on its type and stage. It could be one or a combination of more than one of the treatment options mentioned below. In some cases, no treatment would be needed. However, treatment plans are based on the stage and the condition of the patient.

  • Watchful waiting – This method is adopted when cancer cells are progressing slowly and have very little chance of becoming fatal. The doctor would keep a close watch on the progress of the disease through regular check-ups.
  • Surgery – For advanced stages of prostate cancer, patients would need to undergo a radical retropubic prostatectomy. In this procedure, the prostate and surrounding lymph nodes are removed. In a majority of cases, surgeons aim to retain the nerves that are responsible for controlling erections as well as the bladder.
  • Radiation – Among all the treatment options, radiation therapy is the most important and is used when cancer has not spread to different parts of the body. Radiation can also be used post-surgery and in advanced cases to reduce the pain and cease the spread of cancer cells to various organs. In the more advanced stages, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are also used to treat prostate cancer.
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