Low cholesterol – Symptoms, causes, treatments, and foods to eat

Low cholesterol – Symptoms, causes, treatments, and foods to eat

Lainey Aguilar

Cholesterol is a waxy compound found in the blood, which helps the body perform various functions. For example, it helps protect the nerves and assists in making cell tissue. However, cholesterol must be present in specific amounts only. A deficiency or excess can lead to several problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, depression, anxiety, and even cancer. This article discusses the symptoms, causes, treatments, and foods to eat when suffering from lower cholesterol levels.

Symptoms of low cholesterol
While chest pain is a common sign of high cholesterol, lower cholesterol levels may not have any noticeable symptoms. However, health scientists say that low levels of this compound in the blood can affect mental health. One may feel depressed, anxious, and hopeless. Patients may also be unable to think clearly and make practical decisions. Moreover, alterations in mood, eating, and sleep patterns may become evident.

Besides affecting the mind, lower cholesterol levels can lead to digestive issues. For example, patients may suffer from diarrhea and pale stools. Children below the age of ten can show intestinal symptoms.

Causes of low cholesterol
Several factors can contribute to low levels of cholesterol in the blood, some of which include:

Poor eating habits
Eating unhealthy foods or not eating enough can lead to malnutrition and causes a dip in cholesterol levels. Patients should therefore eat fiber-rich foods and lots of fruits and veggies. However, in some instances, the body may be unable to absorb sufficient amounts of fat and nutrients from the food, leading to lower cholesterol levels.

Family history
A rare genetic disorder called familial hypobetalipoproteinemia in the family can increase one’s chances of suffering from lower cholesterol levels. The disease is passed down from one generation to the next and is mainly caused because of a mutation in a particular protein.

Other health conditions
Several accompanying health conditions like anemia and cancer could also lead to low cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, liver problems like hepatitis C prevent fat accumulation in the body, having a similar effect. Fluctuating thyroid hormones is another issue that can lead to lower cholesterol in the blood.

Treatments for low cholesterol
Doctors first analyze the patient’s overall health through specific blood tests and conduct a mental health evaluation. After this, they would recommend one or a combination of these:

A nutrition plan
Doctors may recommend changing food habits like eating certain foods (more on this below) and avoiding others. Moreover, performing specific exercises would also be suggested to increase cholesterol levels.

If low cholesterol affects the patient’s mental health or vice versa, antidepressants might be prescribed. Also, if the drop in cholesterol levels is attributed to certain medications that the patient is on, the dose of those medicines would be adjusted.

Foods to eat for treating low cholesterol levels
As mentioned, a healthy nutrition plan is paramount for treating lower levels of cholesterol. Doctors recommend eating the following foods:

Patients with lower cholesterol should include a portion of heart-healthy salmon in their meals. This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that aid in improving cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids can also improve mood and relieve anxiety and depression caused by the problem. Vegans can opt for walnuts and chia seeds to boost their intake of omega-3s.

It is essential to add plenty of soluble fiber to daily meals to boost cholesterol levels. Beans and legumes are rich sources of B vitamins and soluble fiber that help improve heart function and maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body.

Doctors might recommend certain supplements besides eating the foods mentioned above, like vitamins A, D, E, and K.

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