Effective ways to beat insomnia

Effective ways to beat insomnia

Danielle Diaz

Insomnia is a health condition where a person has trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep. The problem could be acute or chronic. Acute insomnia lasts for one day to a few weeks, while chronic insomnia can last for months. The condition’s causes include stress, jet lag, and even mental health disorders like depression or anxiety. Thankfully, there are quite a few effective treatments and ways to overcome insomnia, such as those mentioned here.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
As the name suggests, cognitive behavioral therapy aims at addressing cognitive barriers that may affect sleep. For instance, if negative thoughts keep a person awake, CBT helps eliminate those thoughts. This relaxes the mind, and patients sleep better. According to studies, patients have improved sleep patterns after five to eight weeks of CBT.

Relaxation techniques
Biofeedback, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques help reduce anxiety, calm heart rate, control breathing, and release muscle tension. These benefits improve mood, which, in turn, promotes healthy sleep patterns among insomnia patients.

Light therapy
This therapy is beneficial for those who want to reset their circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is our body’s internal clock that induces sleep at a set time and wakes us up after a good night’s rest. In light therapy, patients are exposed to an artificial light source for a particular time every day for a few weeks to form a pattern and reset their sleep cycle. Besides insomnia, light therapy can treat jet lag, depression, dementia, and seasonal affective disorder. It can also help individuals adjust to a night work schedule.

Being passively awake
Also known as paradoxical intention, this technique is a part of CBT, where insomnia patients are persuaded to engage in their most feared behavior. Since not getting sleep is a fear in itself for insomniacs, they are asked to stay awake instead, hoping it may help them unwind.

Sleep restrictions
Some people nap during odd hours and then grapple with sleep problems at night. Therefore, this treatment for insomnia sets strict timings regarding how much time one can spend in bed for afternoon naps. When individuals do not rest enough during the day, their bodies get tired, and sleep comes quickly at night. The restrictions are lifted gradually once the body gets used to the correct sleep pattern.

An alternative treatment style, acupuncture may help those with insomnia. However, more conclusive research is required on the subject. While acupuncture has no side effects, patients must contact a professional and licensed acupuncturist for guidance.

Tai chi or yoga
Tai chi and yoga involve body movements that improve sleep patterns. In fact, a Harvard Medical School study found that regular yoga improved not just sleep patterns but also sleep time as many participants fell asleep sooner.

According to research, meditation improves sleep efficiency even among those who do not have insomnia. It makes the body more relaxed and mindful, which is conducive to good sleep. It also decreases psychological stressors—events or circumstances that lead to severe mental disorders, such as depression.

While the above treatments for insomnia require some form of intervention or advice from a healthcare practitioner, what follows are lifestyle adjustments individuals can make on their own.

Stay active
Indulging in physical activity makes one tired and lethargic. After a long day of moving about, the body’s automatic response also slows down. This may help individuals fall asleep sooner at night as they would be exhausted to stay awake.

Avoid caffeine
Studies show that caffeine keeps one awake for hours together. So, it is advisable to either avoid drinking coffee or decrease its consumption throughout the day for a good night’s sleep.

Early dinners
Experts recommend eating light dinners and avoiding too much water before bedtime. A full stomach at night may cause heartburn, keeping one awake. On the other hand, drinking too much water may result in frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Comfortable bedroom
This may seem unimportant but helps a great deal. A cozy and comfortable bedroom makes it easier to sleep. Insomnia patients may even want to keep the temperature cool. Another tip is to use thick curtains to ensure the room is dark.

Limited screen time
This is a must-try treatment for insomnia in today’s digital age. Many stare at screens continuously throughout the day and even when the lights go out. It can prevent the brain from shutting down, making it harder to fall asleep.

Stress-free routine
Every individual with sleep problems must pause and list down the things that help them relax. It could be a hot water bath, a cup of non-caffeinated tea, playing a sport, or a simple massage. One must incorporate at least a couple of their favorite relaxation activities into their daily routine.

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