Early symptoms of lung cancer

Early symptoms of lung cancer

Collins Buck

In most lung cancer cases, the signs and symptoms do not occur until the condition has advanced and cancer has spread. However, in some cases, lung cancer signs and symptoms can be seen in the early stages too. If the symptoms are caught early, and the patient sees a specialist immediately, it can help the doctor diagnose the condition early and give one a better chance of timely and effective treatment.

Here’s a look at some of the common lung cancer signs and symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored:

A persistent cough that won’t stop or change

If one has a persistent cough, it should raise the alarm. When the cough is caused due to a cold or any respiratory condition, it goes away in a week. But when the cough is lingering, it can be a sign of lung cancer. Also, chronic cough, especially in those who smoke regularly, should not be ignored.

Changes in breathing or wheezing

Breathlessness can also be a sign of lung cancer. If cancer has been causing blockage or narrowing of the airways, it can lead to changes in breathing. It can also occur if the cancer tumor causes the build-up of fluid in the chest. If the patient notices any changes in the breathing pattern, they should start taking note of the time when they feel shortness of breath or feel like they have to gasp for air. It is prudent to not overlook the symptom if one realizes that they tend to gasp for air after taking a flight of stairs or performing a task that was easy to perform earlier.

Changes in voice

If there are any changes in your voice or if someone notices and points out that you have a deeper or raspier voice now, don’t overlook it. This could be a sign of lung cancer, and you must see a doctor. Hoarseness in the voice can be caused due to cold also. However, if the symptom lingers for a long time, it can signify something more serious. When the lung cancer tumor starts to affect the nerve responsible for controlling the voice box, it can cause hoarseness in the voice.

Loss in body weight

Cancer can lead to a loss in body weight. When cancer cells use all the energy of the body, it leads to unintentional emaciation. The drop in body weight can also result from changes in how the body consumes energy from the food eaten. If one has not been trying to lose weight, the unexpected loss in body weight should not be ignored. If the patient notices a sudden change in weight–10 pounds or more than that–it can be a sign of lung or any cancer.

Body pain

When a cancer tumor is present in the body, it can lead to pain in various body parts, including the back, chest, and shoulders. This pain in the body might not be caused due to coughing. It is essential to note whether the pain a sharp, constant, or dull. Talk to a doctor about this pain. Another thing to note about it is whether it occurs in one specific area or covers the entire chest. Cancer can cause enlargement of the lymph nodes or metastasize to the lungs or the chest lining. When this happens, it can lead to pain in the chest. If lung cancer spreads to the bones, it can cause throbbing pain in the back of the body. This can worsen at night and increase when one moves. If there are persistent headaches, it can indicate that cancer has metastasized and reached the brain. But it would help if one remembers that not all headaches are caused due to cancer. Therefore, to be sure, one must consult a doctor.

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