Early signs of esophageal cancer and management options

Early signs of esophageal cancer and management options

Mary Guerrero

Esophageal cancer affects the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. This is the food pipe—an important part of the digestive system that allows the movement of solids and liquids, helping them reach the stomach and start the digestion process. This type of cancer usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus. This cancer is treatable in its initial stages, so it is important to recognize the early signs:

Early signs
Difficulty swallowing
Swallowing difficulties, also called dysphagia, is one of the very early signs of esophageal cancer. As cancer develops in the food pipe, one may find it difficult to swallow food. It initially develops as a mild sensation of food being stuck in the food pipe and the feeling of having to push the food down. Gradually, this may worsen and become more painful. It may start with just solid food items but can lead to trouble swallowing beverages. Some treatment options can help relieve this symptom. For instance, doctors might recommend speech and language therapy to learn swallowing techniques, changing the consistency of foods, tube feeding through the nose or stomach if the condition worsens, or even surgery to help widen the esophagus.

Persistent heartburn
Acid reflux is another early symptom of esophagus cancer. Also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, this condition causes persistent heartburn and also does not respond to any lifestyle changes that one may make to relieve acidity. When one notices persistent heartburn, they should get it examined.

Chest pain
Some people with esophageal experience frequent chest pain or discomfort, often described as a burning or pressure-type pain behind the breastbone. This early sign of esophageal cancer could also be a result of acid reflux, so it is important to keep an eye on the symptoms. Also, chest pain may not always necessarily mean cancer, but one should get a detailed diagnosis on noticing persistent discomfort.

Changes in body mass
A sudden change in body mass and fat is a noticeable early sign of esophagus cancer. As one may experience trouble swallowing all kinds of food, they may observe a rapid decrease in body mass that can be concerning. There could be another cause for this sudden change, so getting a detailed health checkup is necessary.

Chronic cough and hoarseness
As the tumor in the esophagus grows, it can damage the laryngeal nerves and disrupt neural impulses to the voice box, paralyzing the vocal cords. This makes the voice turn hoarse and also leads to a cough that does not go away for weeks or months on end.

Vomiting or regurgitation
This is a common sign of any infection affecting the esophagus and the digestive system. As the esophagus is affected by cancer cells, there could be issues like acid reflux and regurgitation while eating. Frequent vomiting is also a common symptom, and if there are traces of blood in the vomit, one should seek immediate medical attention and a prompt diagnosis.

The price causes of esophagus cancer are not yet known, but the condition develops due to cells in the food pipe undergoing a mutation and multiplying abnormally.

Management options
The abnormal cells in the esophagus can multiply and spread to other parts of the body, making the cancer difficult to treat. So, one should keep an eye out for the warning signs and seek timely treatment. The course of treatment is based on the severity of symptoms and the stage of the cancer. One may have to undergo common cancer therapies like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy that help target and kill cancer cells and curb tumor growth. When these treatments do not work, the doctor might recommend surgery to remove cancerous tissues. Here, the surgeon may perform an endoscopic resection that involves the removal of early-stage tumors through a minimally invasive procedure. The other type of surgery is esophagectomy, which removes the affected parts of the esophagus while the healthy portion is reconnected to the stomach.

Always be observant of the signs and symptoms of the body and seek immediate care when any unusual signs are noticed for a substantial period of time.

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