Causes, signs, and treatments of hand tremors

Causes, signs, and treatments of hand tremors

Evelynn Sampson

An unintentional rhythmic movement of any part of the body is referred to as a tremor. If your hands are shaking or trembling, the condition is known as hand tremors. These tremors are primarily caused by various underlying problems with areas of the brain that control movement. For example, certain neurological conditions or metabolic issues and toxins can lead to tremors. It can also be a side effect of certain medications.

Hand Tremor Signs and Symptoms
A hand tremor can occur by itself or can be accompanied by neurological disturbances in other parts of the body. The condition can be mild or severe, temporary or chronic. Based on its underlying causes, the symptoms of hand tremors can vary from person to person. People suffering from it are likely to exhibit one or more of the symptoms listed here. Patients can experience the rhythmic shaking of the hands, arms, head, legs, or torso, shaky voice, a difficulty writing and drawing, and issues holding and controlling utensils such as forks, spoons, etc.

Hand Tremor Causes
A hand tremor can occur due to several reasons. Some of these are listed below.

Essential Tremor
This is a type of nerve disorder. Patients with this condition will find it challenging to hold a cup of coffee without trembling. An essential tremor usually starts while your hands are doing something.

Parkinson’s Disease
If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, then hand tremors will be common in your day-to-day life. The damage in your brain cells is the main cause of these tremors. In Parkinson’s disease, the tremor usually starts in your hand and slowly spreads to the other parts of your body.

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis damages the coating or casing of the nerves known as myelin. Due to this damage, you will experience hand tremors and shaking of the other parts of your body.

In some cases, hyperthyroidism could also be a cause of hand tremors. This is because your thyroid gland could be working harder to maintain the proper functioning of the heart.

Excessive Intake of Caffeine
Caffeine is well-known as a stimulant. This natural chemical, which helps to keep your brain stimulated, can also make the hands shake.

Alcohol Withdrawal
If you have been addicted to alcohol, then quitting can lead to episodes of hand tremors. Symptoms can start within 10 hours after you have consumed your last drink.

Lack of Sleep
If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain may slow down in responding or in sending signals. In such situations, you may experience the symptoms of hand tremors.

Low Blood Sugar
The nerves and muscles of your body are powered by blood sugar. When they do not get enough or the required supply, your hand or other parts of your body may shake.

Mental stress or fear could also sometimes lead to hand tremors. Such shakiness is temporary and goes away when the stressful state is resolved.

Smoking can lead to anxiety. Further, nicotine and other toxins found in tobacco make your heart beat faster. This can result in a hand tremor in some people.

Hand Tremor Treatments
The treatment of hand tremors depends on their cause and symptoms. In certain cases, treating the underlying cause may gradually improve the condition or help cure it completely. Also, it is important to note that if the symptoms are minimal or mild, it may not require any treatment. However, if the hand tremors are persistent and make it difficult to work or perform daily activities, your doctor will prescribe a host of treatment options. This may include medication, such as beta blockers, and occupational therapies, such as working on gross and fine motor skills, and meditation.
Surgical procedures may be recommended if medication and therapies do not produce the desired results. As you age, you could develop a hand tremor naturally. However, if it makes your daily life difficult, seek medical advice immediately.

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