The best treatment options for pet allergy

The best treatment options for pet allergy

Pet allergies are not uncommon. A study from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America suggests that up to 30% of Americans may be allergic to pets. To be specific, these people are allergic to proteins found in their furry friend’s skin cells, saliva, and urine.
Evelynn Sampson
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Best products for flea and tick treatment

Best products for flea and tick treatment

Flea and tick infestations are a common nuisance, irrespective of the breed or size of the dog. These fast-burrowing parasites can rapidly lay eggs and multiply within days. While there are many effective home remedies, it is recommended that you use prescription products for better results.
Evelynn Sampson
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Tips to find the best cat food brands available

Tips to find the best cat food brands available

Along with veterinary care, meeting a feline’s daily nutrition needs is an important aspect of its health and wellbeing. Therefore, one must never compromise on research before buying cat food.
Danielle Diaz
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5 food brands highly recommended for dogs

5 food brands highly recommended for dogs

As far as family in concerned, it’s only natural that we want everyone to have the best of everything included in their diet, and this applies the most to our dogs.
Collins Buck
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Pet services – Tips for a smooth grooming session

Pet services – Tips for a smooth grooming session

Whether your pet requires a slight trim or a full-blown brush out, pet services are happy to tend to different grooming needs. A single appointment will usually include a bath, haircut, and nail clippings.
Mary Guerrero
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9 healthy pet food recipes to try at home

9 healthy pet food recipes to try at home

Pet treats available at stores might not always be healthy for your cat or dog. Certain ingredients in them can cause allergies and make your pet sick. So, cooking something at home is an excellent way to ensure your pet gets all the nutrients it needs.
Evelynn Sampson
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Understanding animal adoption and its process

Understanding animal adoption and its process

When you bring home a pet, your life changes forever. You have a companion who will connect with every member of your family in a unique way. Adopting a pet is a huge responsibility.
Danielle Diaz
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7 simple home remedies for itchy dogs

7 simple home remedies for itchy dogs

Dogs can develop uncomfortable and itchy skin just like humans. This itching can be caused due to environmental changes such as weather, allergies, or other health conditions. Some factors that cause itching such as allergies can be controlled.
Mary Guerrero
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