Back pain – Causes, risk factors, and prevention

Back pain – Causes, risk factors, and prevention

Lainey Aguilar

Back pain is a common problem that has affected most of us. In most cases, back pain has causes that aren’t due to underlying medical conditions. One can take measures to manage back pain episodes; however, if those fail, home remedies and physical therapy can heal the back within a few weeks. Before we talk about prevention and home remedies, let’s focus on the risk factors and causes of the condition.


Millions of people in the country experience back pain, and various factors can trigger the condition. In fact, it is the leading cause of disability in those younger than 45. Some of the most common causes of back pain are mentioned below.

  • Poor Posture
    Incorrect or poor posture can cause strain within the spinal joints, muscle tissues, discs. Prolonged hunching while sitting or standing can strain the core, back, abdominal muscles and cause pain. A poor posture also reduces blood supply to these muscles, leading to stiffness and weakness in the lower back. Sitting in an unsupported position can cause the spine to bend. Over time, this forward bend puts pressure on lower spinal discs, leading to herniation.
  • Everyday activities
    Sudden back pain can be triggered by prolonged sitting, sneezing, muscle tension, over-stretching, sudden bending, pulling, pushing, driving for long hours without a break, and sleeping on a bed or a squishy mattress that does not support the body and keep the spine straight.
  • Sleep disorders
    Those who have trouble sleeping or chronic sleeping disorders often experience constant back pain. It is one of the leading causes of the condition. The stress and discomfort from sleepless nights can put pressure on the back and intensify the pain.
  • Spinal infection
    In this case, the patient might experience back pain and tenderness around the spine and even get fever due to the infection. These signs should not be ignored, and one must see a doctor immediately.

Risk factors

Many factors contribute to the condition and probably even make back pain worse. Let’s take a look at the factors that have the potential of causing back pain.

  • Obesity or excess weight
    Many start experiencing back pain or back-related issues when they put on excess weight. It is one of the most common factors contributing to the condition.
  • Poor physical fitness
    An inactive lifestyle and a job that involves sitting for hours at end can trigger back pain. It is recommended to take short breaks between work or walk a few steps every half an hour.
  • Strenuous exercise
    While keeping fit is essential, having the proper posture while lifting heavy weights is paramount. A wrong form can cause back pain, injury, and long-term discomfort.


  • Stand while working
    Sitting for long hours can lead to a hunched or bad posture, which can eventually cause back pain. It is essential to use ergonomic or hydraulic desks that allow one to stand and work. This alleviates the pressure on the back and neck, reducing back pain.
  • Keep the computer at eye level
    A desktop is far more comfortable for long-term use than a laptop because one usually looks down for a prolonged period while working on one. Those who use a laptop can place it on a stand or a pile of books to bring it to eye level.
  • Avoid activities that involve sudden jerks
    Activities like driving for long hours, playing soccer or basketball, or walking a pet can cause severe back pain. Avoid any physical activity that may involve sudden movements and jerks.
  • Change the bedding
    Uncomfortable bedding can be one of the main reasons for back pain. Bedding that’s too soft or too hard can cause severe back pain. A bed that’s too soft cannot support the spine and puts unnecessary strain on the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Try medium to firm mattresses for utmost comfort.
  • Do stretching exercises
    The best way to manage and prevent back pain is to be active and do simple stretching exercises. Doing yoga, walking, meditating, swimming, and stretching are some excellent ways to alleviate back pain. Leading a sedentary lifestyle puts a lot of pressure on the back. This is why it is essential to keep the body moving, as it helps reduce back pain.
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