Adenoviruses – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management

Adenoviruses – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management

Mary Guerrero

Adenoviruses refer to a group of viruses that may cause various infections and have cold-like symptoms. These viruses infect the airways and lungs, the nervous system, the lining of the eyes, the urinary tract, and the intestines. The infections are more common in kids than adults and lead to mild symptoms that improve in a few days. However, people with a weak immune system are susceptible to severe symptoms of adenoviruses.

How it spreads
Adenoviruses are contagious and may spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus contains droplets that mix with the air and land on surfaces. The odds of a virus spreading depend on the location’s size and the number of people present there. A large group of people is more susceptible to contracting adenoviruses, especially children. One might be susceptible to contracting types of adenoviruses based on the following factors:

  • Touch
    People who touch an infected surface, only to then touch their nose, mouth, or eyes before washing their hands
  • Close contact
    Making close contact, such as shaking hands with another infected people
  • Breathing
    People who breathe in infectious droplets from the air
  • Diapers
    A diaper may contain potential adenoviruses. It may put the parent at risk of developing symptoms.
  • Unhygienic/Infected food
    Consuming foods cooked by someone with poor hygiene
  • Water bodies
    Swimming in contaminated water, such as under-maintained swimming pools and small lakes. The water bodies may contain harmful adenoviruses

Adenoviruses can have different impacts on different people. A few symptoms of the condition include the following:

  • Croup
    Croup is an infection of the upper airway that causes difficulty in breathing, a barking cough, and a high-pitched sound when breathing.
  • Conjunctivitis
    The symptoms of conjunctivitis, also known as pink eyes, are red eyes, tearing, and discharge from the eyes.
  • Urinary tract infections
    Some adenoviruses can trigger burning sensations during urination. It may also result in blood in the urine.
  • Bronchitis
    People who contract an adenovirus may start to cough, develop a fever, and even have a runny nose.
  • Swelling in the brain
    A rare infection known as meningitis may cause swelling in the brain and lead to symptoms like nausea, headaches, vomiting, and fever.
  • Pneumonia
    Those with pneumonia may develop a cough, breathing difficulties, and fever.

As children are more susceptible to adenoviruses, one must take extra care if they develop any symptoms mentioned above. Furthermore, adults must always consult a healthcare expert if an infant under three months of age develops such symptoms. Parents must also see a doctor if their kids experience severe symptoms such as the following:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Signs of dehydration
  • Fevers that are chronic
  • Swelling around the eyes

A doctor may want to conduct a physical exam to identify the presence of adenovirus. The doctor may also recommend tests, including those on the blood, urine, and stool. A swab test and a chest X-ray may also be required to diagnose the type of adenovirus. The chest X-ray helps create images of the inside of the chest. These images help the doctor better understand possible infections of the heart and lungs.

When it comes to kids, antibiotics only kill bacteria and are not very effective against infections. Most children recover from illnesses caused by adenovirus in a few days. But people with a weak immune system may require medical treatment at a hospital to recover. The best way to help boost one’s recovery is in the following ways:

  • Blowing the nose
    Regularly blowing the nose helps clear congestion. Parents can help their kids blow their noses. As for infants, one may need to put a few drops of saline spray into their nose and suction out mucus with a bulb syringe.
  • Drinking lots of water
    People with certain adenoviruses may lose fluids through vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. So drinking water or consuming pure fruit juice can help keep the infected individual active.
  • Use a cold-mist humidifier
    The moisture created by a cold-mist humidifier will help the affected person breathe more easily.

Though adenoviruses are common, there are a couple of ways to reduce the risk of infection.

  • Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds regularly, and after touching a common surface
  • Avoiding close contact with those who are ill.
  • Not touching the nose, mouth, or eyes with unclean hands
  • Using sanitizers to eliminate germs from the palms

At the same time, a person who is sick must adhere to these tips below to protect others from contracting adenoviruses:

  • Cough and sneeze into the upper shirt sleeve or a tissue. They must not use their hands to cover their mouth, as it may spread the infection.
  • Restrict close contact with others.
  • Refrain from sharing cups or utensils with others.
  • Stay indoors until the infection has been cured.

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