Acute bronchitis – Its symptoms, diagnoses, and remedies

Acute bronchitis – Its symptoms, diagnoses, and remedies

Mary Guerrero

Acute bronchitis or chest cold is a condition in which the airways in the lungs swell up and produce mucus. It is one of the most common types of bronchitis and can last up to three weeks. This condition causes a bad cough. It may also cause other discomforts like shortness of breath, wheezing, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. It is also often observed that the breathing is heavy and obstructed.

Causes and symptoms

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a virus that infects the upper respiratory tract. Often this is the same virus that causes colds and flu. Sometimes, it could also be a bacterial infection or environmental factors, like any toxic chemical agents found in cleaning compounds or even tobacco smoke.

It is possible to develop this condition after a common cold, or those who have chronic sinusitis, enlarged tonsils, adenoids, and allergies are at higher risk. It is also observed that this may get serious for those with lung or heart diseases, and it may lead to a complication like pneumonia if not treated properly.


Some of the symptoms include a runny nose, mild fever, watery eyes, wheezing, shortness of breath, headache, soreness in the chest, and chills. Some also experience fatigue, body pain, back and muscle pain, dry cough followed by cough with mucus, and a sore throat. Since the symptoms are very generic, it is possible to confuse it with any other condition, so make sure to speak to a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


There are a couple of ways in which this condition can be diagnosed by a health professional. A physical exam will usually reveal the results. However, to eliminate any other complications like pneumonia or asthma, doctors may suggest any or all of the following tests:

Chest X-ray

With the help of invisible radiation beams, this test generates images of the internal tissues, organs, and bones to give a clear picture of what the body looks like.

Nasal discharge culture

A swab is taken from the nose or the sputum to study which microorganism is causing this infection and how to treat it.

Arterial blood gas

This test helps understand the carbon dioxide and oxygen ratio in the bloodstream.

Pulse oximetry

This device helps measure the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is clipped onto one of the fingers and switched on. After a couple of seconds, the device is removed, and you can see the display of oxygen. The process is painless and easy. It is even possible to do this test at home with the device.

Pulmonary function

These tests are done to study lung health and read how much air goes in and out of the lungs to understand the lung’s ability to function. A special machine is used to be breathed into, which collects and studies the data.

Home remedies


This medicinal herb has been studied for its health benefits for several years. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve any chest swelling and pain. Simply chew on some dried ginger shavings, add to your food or soups, or make ginger-infused teas to let the juice heal the airways and chest. The flavor might be too strong, so make sure not to overdo it. Some even take supplements; however, eating fresh ginger is better than taking any supplements.


Garlic, another popular medicinal herb, has several healing properties. Studies in the past have also suggested that garlic inhibits the growth of the infectious virus that causes bronchitis. Add this to your food or salads, roast and eat them, or add them as a dressing.


The purpose of this remedy is to break the mucus so it is easy to expel it through the nostrils. Alternatively, take a hot bath and shower or use a steamer to get this process going. It will also be relaxing as your chest will feel less heavy.


A superfood of sorts, turmeric has several healing properties like being antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. You can use turmeric in hot recipes, soups, and even teas. Make sure to use only a pinch of it, or the taste may be overwhelming.


Take one teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water. Mix it thoroughly and take small sips to gargle it at the back of your throat. Spit it out and repeat this process till you finish the whole glass of water. This helps with reducing throat pain and breaking up the mucus. Repeat this process as often as necessary throughout the day.

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