Acid reflux – Its causes, signs, treatments, and meal plans

Acid reflux – Its causes, signs, treatments, and meal plans

Danielle Diaz

Acid reflux is a common abdominal condition that causes burning pain in the lower chest. This condition is also known as heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux. The backflow of stomach acid to the esophagus through the food pipe causes acid reflux, and a chronic version of this condition is gastroesophageal reflux disease, i.e., GERD. If the issues of acid reflux occur regularly and are not treated on time, it can lead to serious complications.

Causes of acid reflux
Quite a few factors could make you prone to developing acid reflux. Lying down immediately after eating a large meal is the most common one. Consuming certain foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, spicy and fatty foods can also increase the risk of suffering from acid reflux. Drinking too much coffee, carbonated drinks, and certain prescribed treatment options are known causes of acid reflux as well. Another major cause is bending at the waist or lying down after a heavy meal.

Signs and symptoms of acid reflux
Heartburn is the most prominent symptom of acid reflux. This uncomfortable burning sensation mostly occurs behind the breastbone. And if you lie down or bend over, such symptoms tend to get worse. Heartburn can last for several hours and can sometimes amplify after eating. In case of persistent episodes, the pain or the feeling of heartburn can move up toward your neck as well as the throat. If the stomach acid reaches your throat, it can cause a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. If acid reflux becomes chronic, in addition to heartburn, it can also lead to various other symptoms. Some of these are vomiting, wheezing, dry and persistent cough, asthma, nausea, throat problems like soreness, hoarseness, and laryngitis, difficulty or pain when swallowing, upper abdominal and/or chest pains, dental erosion, and bad breath.

Treatment options for acid reflux
Acid reflux treatments depend on its symptoms. In the initial stages, doctors mostly recommend lifestyle modifications. If such recommendations fail to offer relief within a few weeks, your doctor may advise certain treatment options. In some cases of regular and mild conditions of acid reflux, such treatment options could provide instant relief from symptoms. Moreover, there are certain prescription treatment options that could aid the healing of the esophageal lining that gets damaged due to exposure to stomach acid.

Acid reflux nutrition plan
Your meal regime plays a major role in controlling acid reflux symptoms. Doctors recommend this as the first line of therapy. Hence, you must plan and watch what you are eating. Plenty of foods help in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux. Ensure to fill your plate with high-fiber, alkaline, and watery foods.

With high-fiber foods included in meals, you are less likely to overeat. Overeating is one of the prime reasons for heartburn. Some of the fiber-rich foods that you must consume in your regular meal plan includes whole grains such as oatmeal, couscous, and brown rice. You must also include vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, asparagus, broccoli, and green beans.

Alkaline foods helps in reducing or neutralizing the acid reactions in the stomach. Foods like bananas, melons, cauliflower, fennel, and nuts are known to be beneficial in soothing the symptoms of acid reflux.

Eating foods that are rich in water content helps to dilute and weaken stomach acid. Some such foods include celery, cucumber, lettuce, watermelon, broth-based soups, and herbal tea.

Acid reflux is usually not a cause of concern if it’s not chronic. Do consult your doctor if chronic signs start showing.

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