8 home remedies to control creatinine levels

8 home remedies to control creatinine levels

Lainey Aguilar

Creatinine is the by-product of regular muscle function. Muscles employ it as an energy source. The creatinine levels are also high in people with a high muscle mass. This is why males have higher creatinine levels than females. The body eliminates creatinine from the blood via filtration through the kidney, followed by excretion with urine. What are the normal creatinine levels? Are there home remedies to maintain healthy levels? Keep reading to find out.

What is a creatinine test?
Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste from the blood. So, a creatinine test can assess how well the kidneys function in the body. When the kidneys perform their role well, they can easily filter the creatinine from the body. So, with the test, doctors can know whether the kidneys are working fine or not.

What are normal and high creatinine levels?
Labs and hospitals have different measures to determine normal creatinine levels. According to the British Medical Journal, the normal range for males in the serum creatinine test is different. For males, it is 0.7–1.2 milligrams per deciliter or 60-110 micromoles per liter, but for females, it is 0.5–1.0 milligrams per deciliter or 45–90 micromoles per liter. Anything above this range is regarded as high by doctors. But, the decision majorly depends on factors like hydration levels, gender, age, and muscle mass.

Home remedies to control creatinine levels
Let’s look at some home remedies to keep creatinine levels in check:

Avoid supplements containing creatinine
Creatinine is a natural compound. The liver produces it and is transported to the different muscles and employed for energy. But, beyond its natural form, creatinine is also available as an oral supplement. Athletes take these supplements to improve their performance. Also, if anyone wishes to improve their kidney function, they should avoid these supplements.

Reduce your protein intake
Protein is a vital nutrient required by the body to perform its different functions. But, excessive protein in daily meals goes undigested and can increase creatinine levels. Studies also suggest that some protein-rich foods also elevate creatinine levels in the body. So, cut down on the red meat, and switch to more vegetables and plant-based proteins to keep creatinine levels in check.

Increase the fiber intake
Fiber has an array of health benefits. One of their most significant pros is their role in managing creatinine levels. Studies suggest that fiber-rich foods can significantly lower creatinine levels in people with chronic kidney diseases. Plant-based foods like whole grains, seeds, vegetables, and fruits are packed with fiber.

Avoid heavy exercises
Exercise is good for health, but work out in moderation if you already have high creatinine levels. If you indulge in strenuous physical activity despite high levels, it can further spike the levels. It is because muscle metabolism yields creatinine, and overusing the muscle groups causes a spike in the creatinine. Levels rise because of high muscle breakdown. So, if you suffer from this condition, you should consult the doctor about your daily exercise regime.

Consume herbal teas
Herbal teas made from dandelion root, nettle leaf, cinnamon, and green or chamomile tea work as diuretics. They aid in eliminating the creatinine rapidly from the body via urine. Chamomile tea also has antioxidants, which flush toxins instantly from the body. Green and cinnamon tea has vitamins and minerals that boost the kidney’s output and helps promote better renal filtration. It also regulates blood sugar levels in the body.

Avoid dehydration
Dehydration can also increase creatinine levels. Some common signs include fatigue, dizziness, and thirst. Low water levels in the body also put pressure on cardiovascular and other systems. In some cases, it may be fatal. Drinking adequate water is indeed the best way to reduce dehydration. You can also add cucumber or lemon slices and a handful of mint to plain water for enhanced flavor. Herbal teas are also good options for hydration. If you regularly experience dehydration, consult a doctor about how much fluid you should drink.

Lower your salt intake
Meals rich in sodium can result in high blood pressure. Processed foods also have a high phosphorous and sodium content, which can result in renal concerns. Hence, to keep creatinine levels in check, reduce salt intake. Alternatively, you can opt for unprocessed or whole foods and use herbs and spices to add flavor.

Get proper sleep
Several body functions relax when you go to sleep. Also, when you rest well, your kidney gets time to eliminate creatinine from the body. Thus, doctors recommend getting at least six to eight hours of sleep daily to control creatinine levels.

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