6 helpful COPD treatment options

6 helpful COPD treatment options

Mary Guerrero

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a group of lung diseases that progress with time. Some of the common diseases in this group are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. While emphysema damages the air sacs in the lungs, bronchitis can lead to narrowed and inflamed bronchial tubes.

With the help of right treatment, COPD symptoms can be eased, complications can be prevented, and progression can be slowed down. Here are some of the most commonly prescribed COPD treatment plans.

1. Oxygen therapy
Patients who experience low blood oxygen levels can be prescribed supplemental oxygen with the help of a mask or a nasal cannula. A portable unit can also be advised for such patients to allow them more mobility.

2. Surgery
Surgery is one of the COPD treatment options. However, it is only prescribed in severe cases or when other treatment options have not worked. Other treatments usually do not work when a person has developed a severe form of emphysema. One of the surgeries used in COPD treatment is bullectomy. In this procedure, large and abnormal bullae or air spaces are removed from the lungs by the surgeons. Another surgical option is lung volume reduction surgery. In this procedure, the damaged upper lung tissue is removed. With the help of this surgery, breathing can be improved significantly in COPD patients. However, not many patients like to undergo this slightly risky surgery. In some cases, lung transplantation is also a treatment option. Although it is an effective COPD treatment, it involves several risks.

3. Endobronchial valves or EBV
This is another treatment option that is less invasive and aims at improving the flow of air in patients suffering from a severe form of emphysema. EBVs are valves that cause a diversion in the air to move it to healthy lungs and away from damaged lungs.

4. Medication
Several medications are used in relieving the symptoms and keeping the complications of COPD at bay. While some medications can be prescribed to be taken daily, others you might have to take as prescribed. One of the common medications prescribed as a part of COPD treatment is bronchodilators. These medications are taken with the help of inhalers, and they work by relaxing the muscles around the airways. This medication is prescribed to get relief from cough and ease breathing. Depending on the severity of the disease, you will choose between a short-acting bronchodilator used sparingly and a long-acting bronchodilator used regularly.

In some cases, both can be prescribed. Inhaled steroids are medications that can also be prescribed to COPD patients. These medicines work by reducing inflammation of the airway. However, these medicines can cause side effects, such as oral infections, bruising, and hoarseness in the voice.

5. Vaccination
COPD patients must consult their doctor for getting flu shots yearly. These shots can help in lowering the risk of respiratory infections. In addition to flu shots, you must also ask your doctor whether you need a tetanus booster and pneumococcal vaccine.

6. Home remedies and lifestyle changes
There are several lifestyle changes and home remedies for COPD patients that can help them manage the condition better and slow down the progression of the disease. Some of these remedies include the following:

  • Breathe more efficiently
    You can consult a respiratory therapist or your doctor to learn techniques to breathe better throughout the day. They can suggest efficient breathing techniques, breathing positions, and some ways to conserve energy.
  • Keep the airways clean
    COPD patients can experience mucus buildup that accumulates in the air passage. This mucus does not clear easily. So, coughing in a controlled manner, taking fluids, and using a humidifier can help keep your airways clean.
  • Exercise regularly
    Exercising might seem difficult when you have breathing problems. But regularly exercising can provide strength to your respiratory muscles, which is essential for COPD patients. You can consult your doctor and ask them which exercises are safe to do.

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