5 tips for dealing with collagen deficiency

5 tips for dealing with collagen deficiency

Danielle Diaz

Collagen, a natural protein produced by the body, helps provide structure to the skin and strengthen it. The protein is abundantly found in bones, tendons, tissues, blood vessels, and the digestive system. But, several factors may lead to a deficiency of collagen, making the skin lose its elasticity. When dealing with this issue, one can adopt various ways to boost collagen production, including eating healthy foods and seeking appropriate treatment.

Causes of collagen deficiency
Before looking at ways to boost collagen production, it is important to understand what leads to its deficiency in the first place. Some of the most common causes are age, environmental elements like UV exposure, stress, and genetics. Apart from a natural decline in the production of this protein as one gets older, autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can also damage collagen. In addition, collagen vascular disease is a group of conditions that cause chronic inflammation in the connective tissues. One may experience fever, fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches and weaknesses, and skin rashes when dealing with collagen vascular disease. Additionally, unhealthy lifestyle choices and poor eating habits, like a meal plan rich in sugar and refined carbs, can weaken collagen.

Tips for boosting collagen production
Here are a few common methods that experts might suggest to improve collagen production in the body and deal with collagen deficiency:

Use aloe vera
Aloe vera can improve cell growth by boosting collagen production in the skin. It could be applied directly to the skin in its raw form or taken orally. Aloe vera is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, essential enzymes, and minerals.

Choose foods rich in vitamin C
Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, are crucial for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which is known for speeding up recovery time and relieving painful joints. The acid also helps produce collagen, so if one is dealing with collagen deficiency, increasing vitamin C intake can help. Apart from oranges, foods like red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, and broccoli also contain vitamin C.

Add antioxidant-rich foods to meals
Foods rich in antioxidants may also benefit skin health. The body is susceptible to the development of free radicals, which are molecules produced by the body during metabolism. Free radical production is enhanced by factors like environmental hazards, age, and genetics. Further, free radicals may affect collagen production and worsen certain skin conditions. So, foods rich in antioxidants could help negate the effects of the damage inflicted by free radicals and improve collagen production in the body. A few antioxidant-rich foods to add to meals are blueberries, green tea, cinnamon, astragalus, oregano, basil, and thyme. Further, collagen-rich foods, such as chicken, can help one deal with a deficiency of this protein.

Try ginseng
Ginseng is a plant that is believed to possess multiple health benefits. The product has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that could help prevent aging in skin cells. Studies also show that ginseng increases the amount of collagen in the bloodstream. Further, experts indicate that red ginseng could contribute to a reduction of the stiffness of fibroblasts—cells responsible for producing collagen.

Consider treatment options
There are multiple treatment options to help one improve or manage collagen production in the body. Healthcare providers might suggest supplements to improve skin elasticity and hydration. Options like red light therapy might also be indicated to increase collagen growth, improve skin elasticity, and minimize wrinkles. While there are dermatologists who offer light therapy, one could also look into equipment that can be used at home under the guidance of an expert. However, if one is dealing with collagen vascular diseases or other autoimmune diseases, one might require prescriptions to reduce inflammation and stabilize the immune system along with collagen deficiency treatment. In addition, one may require physical therapy to improve their strength and range of motion and reduce joint and muscle pain.

Preventive measures
In addition to choosing healthy foods, one should consider the following measure to lower the risk of collagen deficiency:

  • Protecting the skin from sunlight by wearing sunscreen and clothes that cover the face and body
  • Limiting caffeine intake as the ingredient can suppress collagen production
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