4 common types of neurological disorders

4 common types of neurological disorders

Collins Buck

Neurological disorders are conditions that affect the brain as well as the nerves in the body. These disorders could result from abnormalities in the brain’s biochemical, structural, or even electrical parts. It could also result from spinal cord damage or other nerves, eventually leading to various symptoms. There are numerous neurological disorders based on which part is affected and what symptoms the person is experiencing. Let us know more about them.

Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disorder typically affecting individuals over 65 years. The condition is progressive and can affect the individual’s motor capabilities over time, leading to a wide range of symptoms. Primary motor symptoms include resting tremors in one part of the body, bradykinesia which causes slow and small movements, rigidity, and loss of balance. Parkinson’s could also lead to other symptoms unrelated to motor function. These symptoms would include constipation, hyposmia, sleep disorders, mood disorders, and even trouble with urination.

A stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when there is a blockage in blood flow to the brain. This condition is an emergency situation and needs immediate care and attention. This is because the brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to function efficiently. If there is an interference with this supply, the brain cells can begin to die just after a few minutes. As the brain cells die, there is a loss of brain function, and the individual may not be able to move different body parts controlled by those cells. Stroke typically affects an individual’s ability to speak, move, eat, think, remember, and more. Individuals may also have trouble controlling their bowels and bladder, have difficulty expressing emotion properly, and cannot even control their vital body functions. A stroke can occur to anyone at any time. There are two types of strokes, and common risk factors include high blood pressure, heart disease, oral contraceptives, and high cholesterol, among others.

Migraine headaches
Migraine headaches are some of the most common types of headaches. These can be very disabling in nature and make it difficult for the person to function in their daily lives. These headaches can be recurring in nature and triggered by external and internal factors. Some of the triggers for migraine headaches include changes in the weather, changes in sleep schedule, lack of sleep, hunger, certain foods, and even dehydration. Migraines can affect individuals differently. Some may experience severe symptoms, whereas others may experience moderate intensity. This condition is often characterized by a throbbing or pounding sensation in the head. In most cases, migraines are also typically one-sided and can affect the neck and face. Some may also experience sensitivity to light, sound, and smells which could trigger this condition further.

Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis, also known as MG, is a chronic autoimmune condition where the immune system destroys the communication between the nerves and the muscles. This can result in a weakness in the skeletal muscles. This mainly affects the voluntary muscles which control the eye, throat, and limbs. Myasthenia gravis is not inherited or contagious. Instead, it can occur in any individual irrespective of age or gender. It is more frequently seen in women between the ages of 20 to 30 and men over the age of 50. Some of the common symptoms of this condition include troubles with vision, including drooping eyelids and double vision, weakness in muscles that can increase in intensity, trouble with moving facial muscles, and more.
Individuals can also have trouble moving their mouths which can lead to issues with swallowing or pronouncing words. The condition is not curable, but individuals may tackle the symptoms with treatments. Those with myasthenia gravis can also experience flare-ups, where the symptoms worsen, and periods of remission, where the symptoms wane off. But, it is important to note that remissions are rarely permanent. Treatments for this condition include oral treatments, plasmapheresis, immunoglobulin, and thymectomy.

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