Outdoor LED signs – Benefits and features to consider Everything else

Outdoor LED signs – Benefits and features to consider

Many supermarkets, shopping malls, and department stores across the country use outdoor LED signs for advertising and marketing. While LEDs are more expensive than traditional lights, they catch the eye and help attract more customers. But this is not the only reason a business should invest in digital signage. From better energy efficiency to customization and lower heat generation, outdoor LED signs have several attractive benefits and features that make them popular.

Benefits of outdoor LED signs

1. High brightness
Bight outdoor LED signs exude cheeriness and optimism, which helps attract people. Some also come with catchy contrasts to make the sign more visible, even from a distance. While these lights are most attractive at night or when the surroundings are poorly lit, their high brightness ensures they are effective during the day, too.

2. Environmentally sustainable
LED signs have an efficient design and are usually made from non-toxic materials. Most of them can also be recycled once they come to the end of their life. For this reason, many businesses and even households that want to contribute to environmental protection can switch from conventional bulbs to outdoor LED signs.

3. Energy efficient
Big businesses often have to set aside a chunk of their earnings to cover the cost of electricity, which is why switching to LED signs is a good idea. LEDs are highly energy efficient, consuming less power than traditional lights.

4. Durable
LED bulbs and signs in stores need not be replaced often, as they have a long lifespan. Maintaining them is also easy in most cases. By switching to outdoor LED signs, businesses can lower their annual budget and use the money saved for other important purposes.

5. Adaptable
Since traditional lights need to be changed regularly, they must be installed in easily accessible places. LEDs eliminate this problem as they do not need much maintenance. One can simply put them up anywhere they look best, whether high up on a wall or at the store’s entrance. This automatically makes outdoor LED signs highly adaptable for various uses. Many businesses use them for street lighting, motion sensor security lighting, wall-mounted fixtures, marketing their business, and other purposes.

6. Illuminate immediately
Although just a minor concern, regular tube lights and bulbs can take a few seconds to turn on completely. With LED lighting, there are no such worries as they illuminate in no time. That’s why many businesses prefer installing LED signs to light up a room or an outdoor zone instantly for retaining existing customers and attracting potential clients.

7. Lower heat generation
Conventional light bulbs heat up too quickly, making the surroundings warmer and warmer over time. Stores with such lights usually need air conditioning and coolers to reduce the indoor temperature, unnecessarily raising utility bills. Also, electric bulbs cannot be touched immediately after they have been switched off due to the heat. LED signs have no such problems. They do not heat up with as much intensity and speed as conventional bulbs, so one can switch them off and immediately touch or clean them using their hands.

Features to consider when buying LED signs
LED signs are easily available both online and offline. That said, one should research the features well and choose the right option.

1. Customization
One of the best features of certain outdoor LED signs is that they can be designed and customized differently. For example, a business may be able to use these lights to write its name in a particular font style while using a unique color. Doing the same thing would be difficult using traditional light bulbs. This kind of customization helps businesses create unique signs and stand apart from their competitors.

2. Suitable size
LED signs are available in multiple sizes, from large to small-format displays. The variability in size makes them suitable for all kinds of businesses, whether a big store or a tiny kiosk. Businesses should choose a size that meets their requirements and budget.

3. Waterproof and weather-resistant designs
Some outdoor LED signs are incredibly durable besides looking good. It is a good idea to buy waterproof and weather-resistant options, as they can be used during rain, snow, and extreme heat. This is not the case with regular bulbs, which need to be changed every now and then due to their fragile and disposable nature.

Besides businesses, even homes can use LED signs for several purposes. These are particularly suitable as decorations for birthday parties, anniversaries, and other special occasions, but one can also consider them for wall decor.