Fireplace – Types, accessories, installation, and maintenance Home & Garden

Fireplace – Types, accessories, installation, and maintenance

If you are considering upgrading your home, a fireplace is a great feature to amp up a particular space and make it cozier. As for the type, you will have several options to choose from. Moreover, when picking a fireplace, you may opt for accessories and tools to enhance its capabilities. You may also need to learn about how the fireplace construction and installation process works and explore some tips on fireplace and wood stove maintenance.

Types of fireplaces

  • Wood-burning fireplace
    This type of fireplace has been established for years and is suitable for those who prefer a classic and authentic feel. A wood-burning setup will require a little work, such as throwing in logs to keep the fire going and steady. Since the fireplace works with actual wood, it would be useful even when the power goes out. So, it would be a decent backup source if heat and light were out in case of a snowstorm.
  • Wood-burning stove
    Apart from wood-burning fireplaces, you could also purchase wood-burning stoves. These are more cost-efficient than the traditional option and offer more heat. Moreover, a wood-burning stove can curb the amount of in-house pollution created as the smoke rises the chimney and directly outside.
  • Gas fireplace
    If you want something more modern than wood fireplaces, you could go for a gas-based option. They are beneficial to those who do not want to spend time looking for suitable wood or starting a fire in the designated area of the home. Gas fireplaces include vent and ventless options. Vented options require chimney construction, whereas ventless fireplaces could be installed without construction services.
  • Electric fireplace
    An electric setup is preferable for those who wish to add a fireplace without committing to the installation costs that come with gas or wood-based options. This type of fireplace does not require a chimney or ventilation, which makes it easy to transport and install. All you would have to do is place the fireplace in a designated region of the home, plug it into a power outlet, and power it on.

Fireplace tools and accessories
Whether you own a wood-burning fireplace or wood stove, you could consider picking up a couple of accessories. A few common fireplace and wood stove accessories include log holders and fireplace sets, which include tongs, a poker, a brush, and a shovel. The accessories hang on a rack above a bottom tray. A black ash bucket may also help collect and dispose of residue every time you finish using the fireplace. And don’t forget to pick up a good pair of gloves to handle the fireplace safely when it is hot.

You could also purchase essential accessories, such as child safety screens, thermometers, and trivets to make the setup more practical. Some wood stove options are available with a glass door to protect people against harmful gasses and embers from jumping out. Another essential wood stove accessory includes a heat-resistant pad underneath the stove to protect the home from excessive heat and flames.

If you’re getting a new fireplace installed, it is essential to find a contractor to get the job done. You should look for a professional who could work with the budget, has experience with installations of various fireplace types and sizes, and is up-to-date with all the required certifications to carry out the job. The professional should also be able to carry out the work promptly and offer support and maintenance once the job is complete.

All types of fireplaces, including wood stoves, require maintenance occasionally. While you could look for ways to get this job done yourself, it is recommended to hire a professional to get the job done. The professional can remove soot and flammable creosote deposit, which could ruin the chimney pipe and turn it into a fire hazard. Based on the type of fireplace you own, the inspection could help identify corrosion, cracks, and warping, which could result in carbon monoxide leakage into a home.