7 useful tips for choosing toys for babies Shopping Guide

7 useful tips for choosing toys for babies

Babies consistently reach developmental milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking. To help them achieve these goals, baby toys, and activity equipment play a significant role. The right kind of baby activity/play equipment is not only fun and engaging but also helps babies develop cognitive functions. So it is important that you pick age-appropriate toys for your little ones. Here are a few tips on choosing the perfect toys.

Choose toys that are versatile
Whether you are picking baby toys for girls or baby toys for boys, pick the open-ended ones. Babies and toddlers love to explore. They love taking apart stuff and putting everything back together. When the toys are versatile, many different games can be played. Wooden blocks, nesting cups, or big interlocking blocks can be made into bridges, buildings, roads, or anything that sparks the child’s imagination. Also, for babies, pick toys that are versatile enough to be attached to baby travel gear since they love something familiar around them all the time.

Pick toys that never outgrow
Kids outgrow their toys quickly. They may play with something consistently for two days and then grow bored. So a great way to ensure they stick with their toys for long periods, get them toys and baby activity/play equipment that are fun to play with at various ages and phases of development. Animals or action figures, stuffed animals, climbing play sets, dolls, dollhouses, and trucks can be great options for toddlers.

Watch out for safety hazards
This is one of the most important aspects to consider while picking baby toys and activity equipment. Ensure that the toys and equipment meet the appropriate safety standards. Check the tools for broken or loose parts. Make sure you have checked the manufacturers’ age recommendations. Sometimes, certain toys can have small parts that can lead to choking or physical damage. So ensure to read all the warnings on the packaging before you purchase.

Get toys that are durable
It is considered a developmental leap when babies can hold their grip around a toy and use it to make a sound, whether banging or hitting it against something. Also, they tend to throw around their toys or try to pull apart their baby activity centers. To make baby toys and activity equipment last longer, check whether the material is durable. The toys should be unbreakable and not easily tearable and need to be strong enough to withstand hammering and pounding too.

Opt for toys made of baby-safe material
Once babies start teething, they need to chew on things to get relief from the pain in their gums. Since their toys are the most accessible, they will reach out for the toys to chew on and soothe their gums. If you are looking for teethers, make sure they are made of durable silicone or rubber. Such toys do not fall apart easily and are also safe for babies and toddlers. If you are picking plastic toys, make sure they are BPA-free. Always read the label to check that the material is non-toxic for kids.

Bring toys that complement developmental milestones
Developmental milestones are the essential skills most kids acquire by a specific range of age. For example, babies that are two months old learn to open their hands, while those that are ten months old learn to react to simple peek-a-boo games. Toys are perfect for stimulating these milestones during playtime. For example, babies between three and four months need to have dedicated tummy time to develop upper body and neck strength. There are certain baby activity equipment that helps babies have a fun tummy time.

Pick toys that are easy to clean
Toys for babies and toddlers can become messy quickly and easily. Moreover, these toys need to be adequately cleaned to safeguard babies from germs and sickness. What’s more? Parents are quite busy, therefore it is not advisable to have toys that require intricate and too careful processes of cleaning and maintenance. So opt for toys that can be easily wiped off clean from a dishwasher, washing machine, or a simple hand wash.